Become A Member
Our credit union is for people, not for profit!
We are a financial co-operative that provides savings and loan facilities for the benefit of our members. As a co-operative, we are owned and controlled by our members, each of whom has one vote (once aged 16 or over) – regardless of how much or how little they have saved.
Each credit union serves members drawn from particular area or group – this is known as a common bond. For many credit unions that common bond is the area they live in. For others the common bond might be the occupation members work in, the employer they work for or, perhaps, members are drawn from a society or association. This common bond is what enables members to know and trust one another. Our common bond area is living or working in Devenish and Kilskeery Parishes

Why Join?
Members of our credit union enjoy many benefits, including:
No fees – Convenience – Community Benefits
- We have no hidden administration or transaction fees
- We are a not-for-profit democratic financial cooperative owned by our members. Every member over 16 has a vote at the credit union AGM.
- Any surplus income is used to develop new and existing services or it is distributed among members in the form of dividends to savers or interest rebates to borrowers.
- Loans and savings are insured at no direct cost to an eligible member. Loans are insured by the credit union’s own policy at no direct cost to members. This is designed to pay off a loan in the event of a borrower’s death – subject to terms, conditions and eligibility criteria.
- We offer flexibility regarding loan repayments – a loan can be paid back earlier without any penalties or it can be restructured if there is a change in a borrower’s circumstances.
- We are committed to our local community and provide support to local youth initiatives, charities, sporting clubs and cultural events.
- 20″Nomination” of accounts. This is a unique facility for credit union members. We have a nomination facility whereby members over 16 years of age can nominate who is to receive the property of their accounts with the credit union upon death. Having a nomination means that your property left in the credit union (up to a maximum of £20,000 in Northern Ireland) will not have to pass through the sometimes timely probate or intestacy process. Any amount in excess of £20,000 will form part of your estate.
+ Years Providing Coverage
% Average Loan rate
Need a Loan
We offer our members many different loan types. Please contact us for more details regarding the specifics.
How Do I Join
Joining is Easy! To be eligible for membership of Irvinestown Credit Union Ltd you must be living or working within our common bond area.
Contact us today for a membership application form or download the form in our forms section and drop it into the office. You can also contact us by telephoning:- 028 686 21255 or by emailing:-info@irvinestown.cumail.co.uk
To open an account you’ll need the following;
Evidence of Identification
- A current, valid Passport or,
- A current, valid Drivers’ Licence or,
- A current, valid National ID Card (for NI only)
Evidence of Address
- A Utility Bill or
- A Local Authority Document or
- An Official Document for a Government Body or
- A Bank/Building Society Statement dated within the last three months
Evidence of PPS Number (RoI only)
You may also be asked for evidence of your PPS number. For example a document from the Department of Social Protection of the Revenue Commissioners.